It is reported that 80% of adults will suffer from back pain at some stage. In fact, 47% of adults right now have pain and back pain relief seems an unlikely proposition.

Yet, the cause of back pain still amazes people daily. Of all the people presenting to their chosen professional to help with their back pain, almost 90% have not had any significant trauma to cause their pain.

Most people present with back or neck pain after seemingly “normal” daily activities … gardening, shifting furniture, sport, or simply just waking up with pain.

Why is this the case?

Back pain is created by many small injuries over a period of time. Not just falls and bumps, but muscle strain, stress and tension, coughs and colds, digestive upsets to name a few.

Which is good news as it means the underlying issues are small and easily remedied. But it requires more than simply working on a few joints or muscles.

If not, then you will fall into to the other lovely structural statistic … 80% of those with back pain now, will suffer chronic back pain as they age.

This is because those underlying causes are not addressed.

To make sure ALL your pain eases and ALL the causes are removed, you must look at areas away from the structural system also. For example, if you suffer from constipation or bowel issues (bloating, wind, etc) then your lower back pain will never completely resolve until these are addressed.

The same with fatigue, your ability to deal with stress, your immune system, hormonal system and others too.

This is why in the clinic I use a combination of techniques to make sure your back pain eases faster than using simple adjustments or muscle work. It is the combination of Muscle Balancing, Joint Balancing, Acupressure, Homeopathy and Reflex work (called Spinal Kinesiology) that allows you to heal fast and remain pain free.

Teaching clients techniques to use at home also speeds up the success, means less treatment time and gives you a set of tools to use at home to help maintain a healthy spine and overall health.

So if you suffer from any back or neck pain, then don’t put up with it any longer and give me a call. I can help you live a life free of pain today. Simply call me on (027) 3840160.
