Also if you hadn’t noticed it is now August (pre-Christmas in my view) … so the winter is coming to an end although the last week you wouldn’t think that. Int has been a bit cold.

But as we are having nice warm days followed by a sudden and sharp drop in conditions, this tends to shock the immune system. Coughs and Colds are hence more common. So make sure you dig into Vitamin C, drink plenty of water and hold your fingers more often (for some of you just start doing them again as you’ve likely forgotten this).

If a cold strikes then there is a great invention I heard about once. You can use it and actually speak to a person who isn’t even in the same room … amazing.

Its called telephone! (Yes, if you are a client you can call/text/email for advice – FREE)

So if you have the start of a cold (or anything) then use that thing (it is really an amazing thing too) and you can hear me on the other end tell you some techniques to do to help. The same applies to other issues too.

And to help right now, something that you can do to help stay well in the last parts of winter, it helps kick in the immune system, helps with aches and pains, it even boosts your organ systems also.

Just place your fingers on the top of your shoulder blade on the upper back (towards the spine) and the groin on the same side. Then repeat on the opposite side of your body also.

If you hold this for a good 10-15 minutes you’ll find you feel a lot more nimble, boosts your energy and so many other good things too, especially with your coughs and colds..

Try it and if you’re struggling with your health, need a boost then give me a call. Remember you can book online too a
